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2.7. Sensor elimination

Sensor elimination on user request. The user is able to specify which sensor to delete by its UUID. The requesting user should have manage permissions on the specified sensor. If that is not the case HTTP 401 Unauthorized will be returned. If the provided UUID does not match any sensor UUID HTTP 404 Not Found status code will be returned. If the request is successful the sensor and all its children will be erased. In this case HTTP 200 OK status code will be returned with no payload data. The sensor UUID is supplied via a GET parameter. Requests can be made to either of the following URIs:
      HTTP Verb: DELETE
      URI: https://hostname/api/v1/sensors/:uuid
      HTTP Verb: GET
      URI: https:/hostname/api/v1/sensors/:uuid/delete
Where :uuid should be replaced for the sensor UUID to delete
On the following lines you may find an execution example:
        HTTP Verb: DELETE
        URI: https://hostname/api/v1/sensors/463693457705745932?auth_token=xxxxxx

        Status Code: 200 OK
        No response body