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2.15. Access Point destruction

Access Points can be deleted by different actions depending on the user needs. If you wish to delete a list of access points giving their mac address and no matter where they are located in terms of hierarchy you may submit a DELETE request to the following URI:
This request needs to be submitted alongside a JSON payload describing the array of access points you wish to delete. Access points are identified by it's mac address or by it's ID To delete an access point you need manage permissions over said access points, if the requesting user does not have manage permissions over some of the specified access points they will not be deleted but no HTTP error code will be returned as there might be other access points that the requesting user is able to delete.
        HTTP Verb: DELETE
        URI: https://hostname/api/v1/access_points?auth_code=xxxxxx
            "access_points": [
              { "mac_address": "ab:be:e4:22:a1:33" },
              { "id": "42" },
              { "mac_address": "ab:22:ef:33:ef:13" }

        Status Code: 200 OK
        Body: { "query":"true"}
It is also possible to delete all the access points contained in a domain and it's subdomains by issuing a GET request to the following URI:
      HTTP Verb: DELETE
      URI: https://hostname/api/v1/sensors/:sensor_uuid/access_points
      HTTP Verb: GET
      URI: https://hostname/api/v1/sensors/:sensor_uuid/delete_aps
Where :sensor_uuid should be replaced by a valid sensor UUID. If the UUID given does not match any domains HTTP 404 Not Found Status code will be returned. To be able to execute this action you should have manage permissions over the specified domain. If that is not the case HTTP 401 Unauthorized status code will be returned. In the following lines you may find an execution example:
        HTTP Verb: DELETE
        URI: https://hostname/api/v1/sensors/697893457705749905/access_points?auth_code=xxxxxx

        Status Code: 200 OK
        Body: { "query":"true" }